sporklet 16
Trevor Ketner
[So am I as the rich, whose blessed key]1

heed her symbolics—i soak ash sweet /
porn-wet—merge silk / suture—caned hitachi-sob
/ -howl—they wove river hunt lyric—he hues
neon plum red / stiffens, feathering out—lobo lip
snarl foams at deer, foresees roseate horn
/ horniness—edge gone comically smitten—
hot holly tea—wild finch notes (ear perks yet
can’t place the air)—a new project: clean
metaphysics (teeth / smoke / sea)—youth, its
wet head or hide (switchhood)—earth orb: herb,
moss, pistil, stamen—sleep (a nice teak / cobalt
unwinding)—hybrid of dim lispers / open
cussing—sees weather robe woods—shy poses veil
bedding glut, meat, hooch, point, break.

[What is your substance, whereof are you made,]

erase irony (a meaty cut)—woods / he-bush / fur—
a moon (southerly) glows thin / softens data din
or eye dishonesty (heaven an echo, veneer,
heady overabundance)—lusty noon dew—
drenched fornication bed—use / eat
fatty doe / your ripe loam—i sit /
ache (no fleet / lube)—skeleton: a shy art,
a towering i, an unencrypted area inside—
i snap shot for a foot freak—he, spying eden, 
set the bow—oh round way of hot day—
oh hour oh boundary—pet ate tapestry
(even runes)—eye winked badly—ass whoop
arch—see a larynx / interval / poem—aloe gut 
(a cool yearn)—i soften / keen—noun: to bury, to hunt.

[O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem]

rub out a bud ache—sweetest homo, you home me—
herd the hart—twig woven into butch / amethyst 
tide motif—blue fire works the area sore
with devotion—watercolor hit / hush—fetid
mold—tuck a shaven orb—feed pee / lay leash—
i’d hem, fern, hoof—eat, specters, utter us
uncanny (thorn at son)—hand slow as a glyph—
horse limb rest duet—sees chasm (windmarked
fetish worn out irreversibly)—oh hut it /
cud it—underdeveloped fawns / tea honey /
doom soot—thistle: nest sewed so severe,
so weedtoothed—see fumes; earth tires eastward—
you: a fat lotus / uneven boyhood yodel—us: a
stealthy metal dress, livid tuft, a lush worry hen.

[Not marble, nor the gilded monuments]

the gland bled omen tones—mint rum or
plum hooch—wet lily ruffle / hiss (a nervier spot)—
bright, sheer behemoth—sunset clot—i annoy until
he thems—i blunt son, twist her—smut (sweatpainted, 
wrathful)—lusts thaw, sweeten, unravel, soar 
(raw flora stink / boot odor)—tumors (honey
liquid runs harsh from crow bowl)—sir earns snark—
fig mold or ruin—to rhyme rye cove,
blot, astonish—i eat a dull gem, an ivy din, 
lush hell of city air—us: all fleshy pair—(root snap)—
thinly eye pole—arise, soft event /
water door—to swoon haunt the tight middle—
short, stately leg jut—ride a fist—hunt me,
divine horse—unlovely sinew, yield salt.

[Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,]

bedeviled photo (water breaks)—am he / shakes / welts—
harmonious thunder—to die, set stone
on chest (weight ache)—bicep hag—watching her foal /
drool—taint (lewd)—quaint fennel—cords so
came—talon in tiny vein—hot fig hit—
witch us, craw wind warble—geyser hunt—too trim
(skin, hoof, leg)—ash sprig / dreg—toys elicit
wet motivation / handcuffing—hot and ghosted—
frothy mouthed flesh hunt—ass riot (ex into it)—
a bland nap—set silver bow—dye the laurels
rust and fruit—i seethe another forest—
bong / ditch water—shaft stuns—stony homo din—
daisymen—she spat in me—verdant holly set to
dry—i hold wrist in, hesitant—gush (ripe peach).

1. These poems were created using an anagramming tool and the source text of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Shakespeare’s sonnet shares its first line as the title for each corresponding poem. The rule I set for myself was that I had to anagram line-by-line, so each line of my conversion has the same letters as the same line in the original Shakespearean sonnet.

Trevor Ketner is the author of 2020 National Poetry Series winner [WHITE] (University of Georgia Press, 2021). They have been published in The Academy of American Poets' Poem-a-Day, Best New Poets, New England Review, Ninth Letter, West Branch, Pleiades, Diagram, Foglifter, and elsewhere. Their essays and reviews can be found in The Kenyon Review, Boston Review, and Lambda Literary. They have been awarded fellowships from Poets House, Lambda Literary, The Poetry Project, and Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts. They hold an MFA from the University of Minnesota and live in Manhattan with their husband.