sporklet 13
Jaswinder Bolina

Modern Ark

“He he he he and he and he and and he and he

and he and and as and as he and as he and he.”

—Gertrude Stein, “If I Told Him,

A Completed Portrait of Picasso”



My dachshund Manet and her sister Monet

and my sweet chinchilla Kandinsky

and the gerbil Cézanne and my gecko

Gauguin and my budgie Marcel Duchamp


with my ferret Matisse, my tarantula Ernst,

the guinea pigs Pollock and Rothko, and Banksy

the dove, Andy Warhol the newt, my parakeets

Haring and Twombly, and my box turtle Jasper,


my calico Vince, my good pony Willem de Kooning

with my betta fish Jean-Michel Basquiat licking his fins

in the back of the rig with my bed and my couch

and my dumbbells and laudanum in our big hairy


truck on the A68 which churns like a sea between

manly Toulouse and little, medieval Lautrec.

Jaswinder Bolina is author of the recently released essay collection Of Color (McSweeney's 2020). He has previously published three full-length collections of poetry, The 44th of July, Phantom Camera, and Carrier Wave, and a digital chapbook, The Tallest Building in America.