1. LEONARDO'S NOTEBOOK That night he has a dream. He's building a machine. He's made it out
of wire and string. A little bird. It sings to him. He can do anything.
It'll sing to you, too. If you're listening. Hello Hello. He could build
a city, has a certain capacity, makes a little bird and then they say
it's not a bird and he says Okay, it's not a bird and he and the bird
just laugh. I could be talking about anyone.
2. EINSTEIN'S ELEVATOR Einstein invents himself a brother and puts him in a rocketship to prove a point, says Thought Experiment and means Playground, gets into an elevator and begins to fall through space at the speed of falling through space. It feels like acceleration. It looks like the absence of gravity. He's writing it down on the back of his hand and giggling. Either he's made a mistake in his math or everyone else in the history of the world is wrong. He gets back into his elevator again and whoops and screams a little. He says Trust me. He says These things take time.
3. HANSEL'S BREADCRUMBS The first time he uses pebbles and they find their way back home. Papa's not really thrilled about this so they go out and try it again, the ditching the kids part, making him carry a loaf of bread to keep his hands busy. Keep 'em where I can see 'em, the stepmom grumbles under her breath. Ah, yes-we use what we have, we do what we can. And then the birds. Well sure, they're hungry, too. In this story everyone's hungry. Go figure.
4. ALEXANDER'S KNOT Gordian. Complicated. Figure it out and you'll rule Asia. Sometimes, when you can't imagine a solution, you need to imagine a larger imagination. Call it thinking outside the box. Then again, swords work, too.
5. PANDORA'S BOX She's on one side of the box, the outside of the box, thinking. There's something inside that box, she's sure of it, and it's probably thinking something also.
6. DUMBO'S FEATHER And then there's Faith. Pick a thing, anything, and start pretending. Does it work? I couldn't really tell you. It worked for Dumbo. Then again, it didn't work for Leonardo.
7. SPORK So what are we doing here? We're not really sure. We've got a lot of
heroes and we kinda want some more. We're rather fond of Einstein-he needed
a little more elbow room to figure stuff out, so he invented it. For the
most part that's what we've done, that's what we're trying to do-make
that place, figure it out. And you can't figure it out without making
mistakes. That's the beauty of Davinci (well, some of it anyway). He didn't
have space-age polymers-hell, he didn't even have an internal combustion
engine-and still he kept on dreaming. -Richard Siken |