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Pig City Subway by Sean Ulman w/ image by Paul Bruns

endState2, loop
Pig City Subway

Slop. .     . scarce.
Grazing grows
scarf seatback foam.
Chairs: toilet&trough.

Tattered ad: miss piggy saddled on elfin hermit crab,
“deflated w/ inflation, hop the crustacean caboose”  puke-perfumed,  licked.
Locked locomotives root ↓ raunchy routes,
lunge off jagged lard-greased rails,
plunge n worm ↓ polluted wells, ram doors of
un-looted stalls: sweet n sour centipedes, moth broths, butterfly-flayed butterflies.

Tooth n hoof scraps pace foul final animal race’s races to gulp plopped dung
plump ripe-plum-fresh,
swill shed blood by-products.

Next stop grisly scrapyard razed-grazed to gristle.
Rib & jaw fossil trestles, pig bone drip castles,
rote motes clogged w/ innards n gizzards, ties n rails afloat n bloated.
Inhale charred knuckle rind Blizzards® on rust boat rides, lard sails, snout floaties.
Fares traded for goes at carnivore carnival games

(uncoiling curly fried tails, telling cryptic tales of frozen rations sepulcher, king of the pig pile, candied ham pie eating contests – contestants don pork pie hats).

Whilst such scarred scourge be purged?

Were refurbished frescoes of porky pulchritude facsimiles?

Sows farrow fallow farrows, litter fish-guts-gutted gutters.

Gates slime-sealed.
Penned porks relegated to purgatory glory.

Swine spill slouch squeal stomp romp into arcade of pitted station pit.
Runts impaled on bent rails.
Trampled busted trams acid-rain rusted.
Imposter conductor conducts gluttony lessons: accelerated masticating;
how to bash tubby piggy banks so hock rock-candy contents spill↓ gnashing mouths sleekly.
switches stuck on collision
under sewage silos.

Tooth-hollowed hoof un-hallowed ground.
It’s eat or be eaten, never ceding seeding poison pellets.

Rational to suspect ursine rationed to source end plague?

Pollution metropolis grappling refuge in fog-spawned fugues.

Was/is/will: futile.

Sean Ulman, worder birder baller server, is writing a novel about Seward Alaska and Art. “Pig City Subway” is a piece from his comic book side project, “Forest City Tilt” featuring an elf poet protagonist. Other poems from that project have been published at Everyday Genius, Mud Luscious, Clutching at Straws and 13 Myna Birds. sean-ulman.tumblr.com
Paul Bruns is a freelance graphic and web designer located in Cambridge MA. Paul enjoys learning about all things art, illustration and design, and has a passion for creating elegant user experiences on the web. He can be found online at http://paulbruns.com. Paul lives with his girlfriend Ashlee in the heart of Harvard Square.